Industrial communication software

- Accessible to over 230 kinds of Devices
- Supports OPC UA / DA / AE interface (SuiteLink also supported)
- 24 hours Continuous Operation System-Unnecessary to suspend the whole system when changing the configuration
- Available Multi -English / Japanese / Chinese / Korean
DeviceXPlorer OPC Server
Communication Software that provides connectivity with Control Devices DeviceXPlorer is an OPC server software which provides Connectivity with control devices in a manufacturing floor such as PLCs, machine tools, and robots.
It provides communication functions with every control device via a variety of networks such as Ethernet and bridges data to various applications.

Accessible to over 230 Control Devices

Available 5 Languages-English, Japanese, Simplified and Traditional Chinese, Korean
Supports OPC UA / DA / AE and SuiteLink Interface
- High-Speed communication of 100,000 points per second.
- Load decentration by multiple ports concurrent communication.

It is effective to use the OPC server in the following situations
- PLC changes for each machinery or equipment
- SCADA changes for each machinery or equipment
- Access to Japanese PLC
- Be not familiar with PLC
- Develop equipment for overseas